Part-II Comprehensive viva-voce for the Ph.D ச்சொலர்ஸ்
- Such of the candidates who have successfully completed Part-I will have to take a comprehensive viva-voce within one year of completing Part-I. However, the University may allow a further period of six months.
- Comprehensive viva-voce will consist of a presentation by the candidate on the topic of his/her research, which includes the work done by him/ her till date and work proposed. Viva voce will be conducted by a committee consisting of Guide/s and two experts in the field appointed by the University from amongst a panel of six examiners recommended by the Chairman of concerned BOS in consultation with the Guide.
- The date of comprehensive viva-voce will be fixed by the University normally with 8 weeks of intimation from the Guide of readiness of the candidate.
- The Committee shall send a recommendation regarding the outcome of the viva-voce. The recommended candidates will continue their research. In case a candidate is not recommended, the committee will indicate the specific areas in which the candidate needs strengthening of his/her knowledge and he/she will appear for comprehensive vivavoce once again within six months of his/her taking the first viva-voce. In the event of the committee not recommending even at the second attempt, the registration of the candidate stands cancelled.