Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to improve Communication Skils

The following contents are taken from    [SteenConsulting Warrior Member]
"At the core of all interaction is communication. Without effective communication skills, relationships suffer.

Therefore it is essential to continually foster and practice effective communication skills. It is important to understand what factors break down good communication and what skills are needed to develop effective communication.

First, what makes communication difficult?

Communication is difficult because there are three common problems that cause confusion, misunderstanding, and in time, create barriers in business.

The first problem lies in the non-verbal aspect of communication. There are three parts to a message and when communicating we tend to focus on the actual talking piece. However, there is a more influential part of our message, the non-verbal piece. Many don't realize that communication is 55% non-verbal and 38% tone of voice and attitude. This means the actual speaking piece is only a small part of our message. So, your body language and tone of voice have a much greater influence on your message than what you are actually saying. Here lies the first problem in communication; our body language and tone could be saying one thing when our actual words are saying something else.

The second problem is that people communicate differently. People have different communication styles and temperaments. Some people are direct to the point people, while others are quiet and easy-going. A direct to the point person could come across as pushy or bossy to a person who is quiet or soft. Others tend to make quick decisions while some need to have deep reasoning to make a choice. People process information and communicate differently. These differences can cause barriers to be created making effective communication more difficult.

The third problem is that we tend to judge people who are different. We expect people to be like us, and if they're not, we perceive those differences to be wrong. Obviously, they are not wrong, they just communicate differently than you or I. By default, we are attracted to people who are like us; who have the same personality or the same thoughts. But, when someone is different or have a different opinion than us we might avoid or not communicate with them.

A few tips to help you communicate better..."
The following are the sites useful for improving Communication Skills.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Computer Architecture Question Bank

1.What is cache memory?                     
The small and fast RAM units are called as caches. When the execution of an instruction calls for data located in the main memory, the data are fetched and a copy is placed in the cache. Later if the same data is required it is read directly from the cache.

2. What is the function of ALU?
Most of the computer operations (arithmetic and logic) are performed in ALU.The data required for the operation is brought by the processor and the operation is performed by the ALU.

3. What is the function of CU?
The control unit acts as the nerve center, that coordinates all the computer operations. It issues timing signals that governs the data transfer.

4. What are basic operations of a computer?
The basic operations are READ and WRITE.

5. What are the registers generally contained in the processor?
MAR-Memory Address Register
MDR-Memory Data Register
IR-Instruction Register
R0-Rn-General purpose Registers
PC-Program Counter

6. What are the steps in executing a program?

7. Define interrupt and ISR?
An interrupt is a request from an I/O device for service by the processor. The processor provides the requested service by executing the interrupt service routine.

8. Define Bus?
A group of lines that serves as a connecting path for several devices is called a bus.

9. What is the use of buffer register?
The buffer register is used to avoid speed mismatch between the I/O device and the processor.

10. Compare single bus structure and multiple bus structure?
A system that contains only one bus(i.e only one transfer at a time) is called as a single bus structure. A system is called as multiple bus structure if it contains multiple buses.

11. What is a compiler?
A system software program called a compiler translates the high-level language program into a suitable machine language program containing instructions such as the Add and Load instructions.

12. What is System Software? Give an example?
It is a collection of programs that are executed as needed to perform functions such as
  • Receiving and interpreting user commands
  • Entering and editing application programs and storing them as files in secondary storage devices.     Ex: Assembler, Linker, Compiler etc

13.What is Application Software? Give an example?
Application programs are usually written in a high-level programming language, in which the programmer specifies mathematical or text-processing operations. These operations are described in a format that is independent of the particular computer used to
execute the program.
Ex: C, C++, JAVA

14. What is text editor?
It is used for entering and editing application programs. The user of this program interactively executes command that allow statements of a source program entered at a keyboard to be accumulated in a file.

15. Discuss about OS as system software?
OS is a large program,or actually a collection of routines,that is used to control the sharing of and interaction among various computer units as they execute application programs.The OS routines perform the tasks required to assign computer resources to individual application programs.

16. What is multiprogrraming or multitasking?

The operating system manages the concurrent execution of several application programs to make the best possible uses of computer resources.this pattern of concurrent execution is called multiprogrraming or multitasking.

17.What is elapsed time of computer system?
The total time to execute the total program is called elapsed is affected by the speed of the processor,the disk and the printer.

18. What is processor time of a program?
The periods during which the processor is active is called processor time of a programIt depends on the hardware involved in the execution of individual machine instructions.

19. Define clock rate?
The clock rate is given by,
                        R=1/P,where P is the length of one clock cycle.

20. Write down the basic performance equation?
T=processor time
N=no of instructions
S=no of steps
R=clock rate

21.What is pipelining?
The overlapping of execution of successive instructions is called pipelining.
22. What is byte addressable memory?
The assignment of successive addresses to successive byte locations in the memory is called byte addressable memory.

23. What is big endian and little endian format?
The name big endian is used when lower byte addresses are used for the more significiant of the word. The name little endian is used for the less significiant bytes of the word.

24. What is a branch instruction?
Branch instruction is a type of instruction which loads a new value into the program counter.

25. What is branch target?
As a result of branch instructions , the processor fetches and executes the instruction at a new address called branch target, instead of the instruction at the location that follows the branch instruction in sequential address order.

26.What are condition code flags?
The processor keep track of information about the results of various operations for use by subsequent conditional branch instructions. This is accomplished by recording the required information in individual bits, often called condition code flags.

27.Define addressing mode.
The different ways in which the location of an operand is specified in an instruction are referred to as addressing modes.

28.Define various addressing modes.
The various addressing modes are
1.Absolute addressing mode
2.Register addressing mode
3.Indirect addressing mode
4.Index addressing mode
5.Immediate addressing mode
6.Relative addressing mode
7.Autoincrement addressing mode
8.Autodecrement addressing mode

29. What is a pointer?
The register or memory location that contains the address of an operand is called a pointer.

30.What is index register?
In index mode the effective address of the operand is generated by adding a constant value to the contents of a register. The register used may be either a special register or may be any one of a set of general purpose registers in the processor. This register is referred to as an index register.

31.What is assembly language?
A complete set of symbolic names and rules for the use of machines constitute a programming language, generally referred to as an assembly language.

32.What is assembler directive?
Assembler directives are not instructions that will be executed .It simply informs the assembler that the name SUM should be replaced by the value 200 wherever it appears in the program, such statements are called as assembler directives.

33.What is loader ?
Loader is a system software which contains a set of utility programs. It will load the object program to the memory.

34.Define device interface.
The buffer registers DATAIN and DATAOUT and the status flags SIN and SOUT are part of circuitry commonly known as a device interface.

35. What are the basic functional units of a computer?
Input ,memory,arithmetic and logic unit,output and control units are the basic functional units of a computer

36. Define Response time and Throughput.
Response time is the time between the start and the completion of the event. Also referred to as execution time or latency.Throughput is the total amount of work done in a given amount of time

37. Suppose that we are considering an enhancement to the processor of a server system used for web serving.The new CPU is 10 times faster on computation in the web serving application than the original processor. Assuming that the original CPU is busy with computation 40% of the time and is waiting for I/O 60% of the time. What is the overall speedup gained by incorporating the enhancement?

Fractionenhanced = 0.4
Speedupenhanced = 10
Speedupoverall = 1/(0.6+0.4/10) =1/0.64 = 1.56

38. Explain the different types of locality.
Temporal locality, states that recently accessed items are likely to be accessed in the near future.Spatial locality, says that items whose addresses are near one another tend to be referenced close together in time.


 1.Explain the various addressing modes.
  • Register mode
  • Absolute mode
  • Immediate mode
  • Indirect mode
  • Indexed mode
  • Relative mode
  • Auto increment mode
  • Auto Decrement mode

2. Discuss the following:
(i) Basic operational concepts of a computer.
  • Instructions
  • Operational details of a processor
  • Registers
  • Operating steps
(ii) Basic instruction types.
  • Zero address instruction
  • One address instruction
  • Two address instruction
  • Three address instruction

3.Discuss in detail the various measures of performance of a computer
  • Processor clock
  • Pipelining and super scalar operation
  • Clock rate
  • Instruction set
  • Compiler

4. Explain briefly about the stack and Queue organization.
  • Explanation
  • Programs

5.Discuss the following:
(i)Instruction execution & straight-line sequencing.
  • Execution steps
  • Diagram
(ii) Branching.
  • Explanation
  • Diagram

6. Explain in detail the data transfer between the memory & I/O unit.
  • Program controlled I/O
  • Flags (SIN, SOUT)
  • Buffers (DATAIN, DATAOUT)
  • Coding
  • Diagram

7.Explain the various functional units of a computer
  • Input unit
  • Output Unit
  • ALU
  • CU
  • MU

8. Explain the software performance of a computer.
  • Explanation

9. Explain the different ways of Bus Structures.
  • Input/output devices
  • Ports
  • Networking. 

16 Marks
Explain the various addressing modes.
• Register mode
• Absolute mode
• Immediate mode
• Indirect mode
• Indexed mode
• Relative mode
• Auto increment mode
• Auto Decrement mode

2. Discuss the following:
(i) Basic operational concepts of a computer.
• Instructions
• Operational details of a processor
• Registers
• Operating steps
(ii) Basic instruction types.
• Zero address instruction
• One address instruction
• Two address instruction
• Three address instruction

3.Discuss in detail the various measures of performance of a computer
• Processor clock
• Pipelining and super scalar operation
• Clock rate
• Instruction set
• Compiler

4. Explain briefly about the stack and Queue organization.
• Explanation
• Programs

5.Discuss the following:
(i)Instruction execution & straight-line sequencing.
• Execution steps
• Diagram
(ii) Branching.
• Explanation
• Diagram

6.Explain the various functional units of a computer
• Input unit
• Output Unit
• CU
• MU

7. Explain the software performance of a computer.
• Explanation

8.Explain in detail the principle of Carry look ahead adder?

• Generate function
• Propagate function
• 4-bit carry look-ahead adder

9. Explain the sequential circuit binary multiplier and give an example for it.

• Explanation
• Diagram

10. Explain Booth algorithm for signed-operand multiplication.
• Algorithm
• Explanation with example

11. Explain the design of fast adders with neat diagrams.
• Diagram
• Explanation

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

MC9226 System Software Lab - Complete Programs

List of Practical Programs for the Lab - System Software Lab
1. Assemblers
2. Loaders
3. Linkers
4. Features of Text Editors
5. Basic Unix Commands
6. Shell Programming
6. Shell Programming
7. GREP, SED and AWK
8. File System related System Calls
9. Process Management (Fork and Execl)
10. Message Queue
11. Pipes and Fifo
12. Signals
13. Shared Memory

Basic Unix Commands - System Software Lab - Lab 5

Login and authentication
access computer; start interactive session
disconnect terminal session
change local login password; you must set a strong password that is not easily guessed
obtain kerberos ticket for connections to other kerberized computers
destroy kerberos tickets (authorizations)
show date and time
list of previously executed commands
show online documentation by program name
online documentation for GNU programs
w, who
who is on the system and what they are doing
who is logged onto this terminal
show system stats and top CPU using processes
show one line summary of system status
File management
combine files
copy files
list files in a directory and their attributes
change file name or directory location
remove files
create another link (name) to a file
set file permissions
encode/decode a file with a private key
gzip, gunzip
compress/decompress a file
find files that match specific criteria
Display contents of files
copy files to display device
show text file on display terminal with paging control
show first few lines of a file(s)
show last few lines of a file; or reverse line order
full-featured screen editor for modifying text files
simple screen editor for modifying text files
display lines that match a pattern
send file to printer
format file with page headers, multiple columns, etc.
compare two files and show differences
compare two binary files and report if different
compare two files; show common or unique lines
display binary files as eqivalent octal/hex codes
show printable text embedded in binary files
examine file(s) and guess type: text, data, program, etc.
count characters, words, and lines in a file
change to new directory
create new directory
remove empty directory (you must remove files first)
change name of directory
show current directory
summarize free space on disk filesystems
show disk space used by files or directories
Special character handling for C-shell (See man csh)
match any characters in a file name
shorthand for home directory of user
substitute value of variable name
turn off special meaning of character that follows
in pairs, quote string with special chars, except !
in pairs, quote string with special chars, except !, $
in pairs, substitute output from enclosed command
Controlling program execution for C-shell (See man csh)
run job in background
kill job in foreground
suspend job in foreground
restart suspended job in foreground
run suspended job in background
delimit commands on same line
group commands on same line
re-run earlier commands from history list
list current jobs
show process information
kill background job or previous process
run program at lower priority
run program at a later time
run program at specified intervals
see or set resource limits for programs
create alias name for program (normally used in .login file)
sh, csh
execute command file
Controlling program input/output for C-shell (See man csh)
pipe output to input
redirect output to a storage file
redirect input from a storage file
append redirected output to a storage file
copy input to both file and next program in pipe
make file record of all terminal activity
Email and communication
read system bulletin board messages
send/read email; can be run by other programs to send exisiting files via email
encode/decode a binary file for transmission via email
read USENET news groups
Editors and formatting utilities
programmable text editor for data streams
full-featured editor for character terminals
GNU emacs editor for character terminals
GNU emacs editor for X Window terminals
very simple text editor
fill and break lines to make all same length
break long lines to specified length
X Window client programs (output to X terminal or server)
provide login shell window
manipulate authorization files
show system load
full screen online manual viewer
GNU emacs editor
interface to contol gs to display PostScript or PDF files on screen
display DVI files on X Window (screen preview)
interactive data plotting on screen
TeX typesetting system
process TeX files to DVI (device independent) output
process LaTeX files to DVI
print DVI files on Postscript laser printer
display DVI files on X Window (screen preview)
translate LaTeX files to HTML (for web pages)
Printing (BSD based)
send file to print queue
examine status of files in print queue
remove a file from print queue
convert text files to PostScript format for printing
Interpreted languages and data manipulation utilities
programmable text editor for data streams
pattern scanning and processing language
Practical Extraction and Report Language
sort or merge lines in a file(s) by specified fields
translate characters
cut out columns from a file
paste columns into a file
copy data between devices; reblock; convert EBCDIC
Graphics and mapping
interactive data plotting; outputs to PostScript or X Window
"ghostscript" converter displays PostScript files on X Window displays or other devices
remote login/command execution; encrypted
remote non-interactive file copy; encrypted
remote interactive file copy; encrypted
remote network login; plain text password - not recommended
network file transfer program; plain text password - not recommended
find IP address for given host name, or vice versa
web browser for character based (text-only) terminals
gzip, gunzip
compress/decompress a file
combine multiple files/dirs into single archive
encode/decode a binary file for transmission via email
Compilers, interpreters and programming tools
command language interpreter (C-shell scripts)
command language interpreter (Korn-shell scripts)
command language interpreter (Borne-shell scripts)
Fortran 77 compiler
convert fortran source code to C source code
GNU C compiler
GNU C++ compiler
command-line symbolic debugger for compiled C or Fortran
recompile programs from modified source
generate C flow graph
Programming libraries (see man library_name)
Fortran 77 routines for numerical linear algebra (supersedes LINPACK and EISPACK)
routines to interface with X window system (no man page -- get the X Toolkit book)
database routines
library routines for external data representation
routines for machine independent data representation
Tape manipulation and archiving
manipulate tape drive and position tape
unformatted tape read and write; file conversion
archive disk files on tape or disk
read/write ANSI standard label tapes