Caltech 101 Database
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OpenCV Tutorials Collection:
- OpenCV Tutorial - Gives a summary of how to use OpenCV in Visual C++.
- CodeProject - Intel's OpenCV - Wrapper DLL for developing image processing applications.
- OpenCVDotNet - Page to show how to create a openCVDotNEt application.
- HowtoOpenCV - Page explains the details of installing and developing image processing applications.
- Help and LIST - Computer Vision and OpenCV.
- Emugu CV - Face detection using C# and Emugu CV.
- Object tracking - Fast Object Tracking using C++
- Moton and Object Tracking - OpenCV funtions list and usage.
- Tutorial for Installation - how to install opencv in windows XP and VS 2008
- Install Guide - OpenCV official installation Guide
- Ground Truth - COIL 100 Database with Ground Truth and Mask
KNN Algorithm