Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year Wishes - 2013

Very Warm Wishes to All

Wish You a  Very Happy New Year 2013

God is always with you and everyone who believes HIM.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Digital Fundamentals and Computer Organization - Question Bank

Digital Fundamentals and Computer Organization - Question Bank


1.Define the term digital.
The term digital refers to any process that is accomplished using discrete units
2.What is meant by bit?
A binary digit is called bit

3.What is the best example of digital system?
Digital computer is the best example of a digital system.
4.Define byte?
A group of 8 bits.

5.List the number systems?
i)                Decimal Number system
ii)               Binary Number system
iii)              Octal Number system
iv)              Hexadecimal Number system
6.State the sequence of operator precedence in Boolean expression?
i)                Parenthesis
ii)               AND
iii)              OR
7.What is the abbreviation of ASCII and EBCDIC code?
ASCII- American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
EBCDIC- Extended Binary Coded Decimal Information Code.

8.What are the universal gates?
9.What are the different types of number complements?
i) rs Complement
ii) (r-1)s Complement.

10.Why complementing a number representation is needed?
Complementing  a number becomes as in digital computer for simplifying the subtraction operation and for logical manipulation complements are used.
11.How to represent a positive and negative sign in computers?
Positive (+) sign by 0
Negative (-) sign by 1.

12.What is meant by Map method?
The map method provides a simple straightforward procedure for minimizing Boolean function.

13.What is meant by two variable map?
Two variable map have four minterms for two variables, hence the map consists of four squares, one for each minterm
14.What is meant by three variable map?
Three variable map have 8 minterms for three variables, hence the map consists of
8 squares, one for each minterm
15.Which gate is equal to AND-inverter Gate?
NAND gate.

16.Which gate is equal to OR-inverter Gate?
NOR gate.
17.Bubbled OR gate is equal to--------------
NAND gate

18. Bubbled AND gate is equal to--------------
NOR gate

19.What is the use of Don’t care conditions?
Any digital circuit using this code operates under the assumption that these unused combinations will never occur as long as the system
20.Express the function f(x, y, z)=1 in the sum of minterms and a product of maxterms?

21.What is the algebraic function of Exclusive-OR gate and Exclusive-NOR gate?
F=xy1 + x1y
      F=xy +x1y1

22.What are the methods adopted to reduce Boolean function?
i)        Karnaugh map
ii)       Tabular method or Quine mccluskey method
iii)      Variable entered map technique.

23.Why we go in for tabulation method?
This method can be applied to problems with many variables and has the advantage of being suitable for machine computation.

24.State the limitations of karnaugh map.
i)          Generally it is limited to six variable map (i.e.) more then six variable
involving expressions are not reduced.
ii)         The map method is restricted in its capability since they are useful for
            simplifying only Boolean expression represented in standard form.

25.What is tabulation method?
A method involving an exhaustive tabular search method for the minimum expression to solve a Boolean equation is called as a tabulation method.
26.What are prime-implicants?
The terms remained unchecked are called prime-implicants. They cannot be reduced further.

27.Explain or list out the advantages and disadvantages of   K-map method?
The advantages of the K-map method are
i.                    It is a fast method for simplifying expression up to four variables.
ii.   It gives a visual  method of logic simplification.
iii. Prime implicants and essential prime implicants are identified fast.
iv.  Suitable for both SOP and POS forms of reduction.
v.  It   is   more   suitable   for   class   room   teachings   on   logic simplification.
The disadvantages of the K-map method are
i.  It is not suitable for computer reduction.
ii.  K-maps are not suitable when the number of variables involved exceed four.
iii.  Care must be taken to fill in every cell with the relevant entry, such as a 0, 1 (or) don’t care terms.

28.List out the advantages and disadvantages of Quine-Mc Cluskey method?
The advantages are,
a.  This is suitable when the number of variables exceed four.
b.  Digital computers can be used to obtain the solution fast.
c.  Essential prime implicants, which are not evident in K-map, can be clearly
           seen in the final results.
The disadvantages are,
a.  Lengthy procedure than K-map.
b.  Requires several grouping and steps as compared to   K-map.
c.  It is much slower.      
d.  No visual identification of reduction process.

29.Define Positive Logic.
When high voltage or more positive voltage level is associated with binary ‘1’ and while the low or less positive level is associated with binary ‘0’ then the system adhering to this is called positive logic.
30.Define Negative Logic.
When high voltage level is associated with binary ‘0’ and while the low level is associated with binary ‘1’ then the system adhering to this is called negative logic

31 .List the characteristics of digital Ics
i)       propagation delay
ii)      power dissipation
iii)     Fan-in
iv)     Fan-out
v)      Noise margin
32 .What is propagation delay?
It is the average transition delay time for the signal to propagate from input to output when the signals change in value.
33.What is Noise margin?
It is the limit of a noise voltage, which may be present with out impairing the proper operation of the circuit.

34.What is power dissipation?
It is the power consumed by the gate, which must be available from the power
35.Why parity checker is needed?
Parity checker is required at the receiver side to check whether the expected parity is equal to the calculated parity or not. If they are not equal then it is found that the received data has error.

36.What is meant by parity bit?
Parity bit is an extra bit included with a binary message to make the number of 1’s either odd or even. The message, including the parity bit is transmitted and then checked at the receiving and for errors.
37.Why parity generator necessary?
Parity generator is essential to generate parity bit in the transmitter.

38.What is IC?
An integrated circuit is a small silicon semiconductor crystal called a chip
containing electrical components such as transistors, diodes, resistors and capacitors. The
various components are interconnected inside the chip to form an electronic circuit.

39 What are the needs for binary codes?
a. Code is used to represent letters, numbers and punctuation marks.
b.  Coding is required for maximum efficiency in single transmission.
c. Binary codes are the major components in the synthesis (artificial generation)
of speech and video signals.
d. By using error detecting codes, errors generated in signal transmission can be
e.  Codes are used for data compression by which large amounts of data aretransmitted in
     very short duration of time.
40.Mention the different type of binary codes?
The various types of binary codes are,
1.      BCD code (Binary Coded decimal).
2.      Self-complementing code.
3.      The excess-3 (X’s-3) code.
Gray code.
4.      Binary weighted code.
5.      Alphanumeric code.
                            The ASCII code.
6.      Extended binary-coded decimal interchange code (EBCDIC).
7.      Error-detecting and error-correcting code.
8.      Hamming code.
41. List the advantages and disadvantages of BCD code?
The advantages of BCD code are
1.                   Any large decimal number can be easily converted into corresponding
binary number
2.                   A person needs to remember only the binary equivalents of decimal
number from 0 to 9.
3.      Conversion from BCD into decimal is also very easy.

The disadvantages of BCD code are
1.   The code is least efficient. It requires several symbols to represent even
     small numbers.
2.   Binary addition and subtraction can lead to wrong answer.
3.   Special codes are required for arithmetic operations.
4.   This is not a self-complementing code.
5.   Conversion into other coding schemes requires special methods.
42.What is meant by self-complementing code?
A self-complementing code is the one in which the members of the number
system complement on themselves. This requires the following two conditions to be
1.            The complement of the number should be obtained from that number by
                  replacing 1s with 0s and 0s with 1s.
2.            The sum of the number and its complement should be equal to decimal 9.
                  Example of a self-complementing code is
i.         2-4-2-1 code.
ii.         Excess-3 code.
43.Mention the advantages of ASCII code?
The following are the advantages of ASCII code
         a.  There are 27 =128 possible combinations. Hence, a large number of symbols,
                  alphabets etc.., can be easily represented.
         b.  There is a definite order in which the alphabets, etc.., are assigned to each code
         c.  The parity bits can be added for error-detection and correction.
44. Define state of sequential circuit?
The binary information stored in the memory elements at any given time defines the “state” of sequential circuits.

45.What is meant by race around condition?
In JK flip-flop output is fed back to the input, and therefore changes in the output results change in the input. Due to this in the positive half of the clock pulse if J and K are both high then output toggles continuously. This condition is known as race around condition.
46.What is bi-directional shift register and unidirectional shift register?
A register capable of shifting both right and left is called bi-directional shift register. A register capable of shifting only one direction is called unidirectional shift register.

47.What are the disadvantages of ASCII code?
The disadvantages of ASCII code are
                      a.  The length of the code is larger and hence more bandwidth is required for
                       b.  With more characters and symbols to represent, this is not completely
48.What is the truth table?
A truth table lists all possible combinations of inputs and the corresponding
49.Define figure of merit?
Figure of merits is defined as the product of speed and power. The speed is specified in   terms of propagation delay time expressed in nano seconds.
Figure of merits=Propagation delay time (ns)*
Power (mw)
It is specified in pico joules (ns*mw=PJ).

50.What are the two types of logic circuits for digital systems?
Combinational and sequential

51.Define Combinational circuit.
A combinational circuit consist of logic gates whose outputs at anytime are
determined directly from the present combination of inputs without regard to previous
52.Define sequential circuits.
Their outputs are a function of the inputs and the state of memory elements. The state of memory elements, in turn, is a function of previous inputs.
53.What is a half-adder?
The combinational circuit that performs the addition of two bits are called a half-adder.
54.What is a full-adder?
The combinational circuit that performs the addition of three bits are called a full-adder.
55.What is half-subtractor?
The combinational circuit that performs the subtraction of two bits are called a half-sub tractor.

56.What is a full-subtractor?
The combinational circuit that performs the subtraction of three bits are called a full- sub tractor.
57.What is Binary parallel adder?
A binary parallel adder is a digital function that produces the arithemetic sum of two binary numbers in parallel.

58.What is BCD adder?
A BCD adder is a circuit that adds two BCD digits in parallel and produces a sum digit also in BCD.
59.What is Magnitude Comparator?
A Magnitude Comparator is a combinational circuit that compares two numbers, A and B and determines their relative magnitudes.

60.What is decoder?
A decoder is a combinational circuit that converts binary information from ‘n’ input lines to a maximum of 2n unique output lines.
61.What is encoder?
A decoder is a combinational circuit that converts binary information from 2nInput lines to a maximum of  ‘n’ unique output lines.
62.Define Multiplexing?
Multiplexing means transmitting a large number of information units over a smaller number of channels or lines.

63.What is Demultiplexer?
A Demultiplexer is a circuit that receives information on a
single line and transmits this information on one of 2n possible output lines
64.Give the truth table for a half adder.

Input                                                                      Output
X                                        Y                            Sum ( S )                     Carry ( C )
0                                         0                                   0                                   0
0                                         1                                   1                                   0
1                                         0                                   1                                   0
1                                         1                                   0                                   1

65.Give the truth table for a half Subtractor.
Input                                                                      Output
X                                        Y                          Borrow( B )                   Diffe ( D )
0                                         0                                   0                                   0
0                                         1                                   1                                   1
1                                         0                                   0                                   1
1                                         1                                   0                                   0
66.What is code conversion?
If two systems working with different binary codes are to be synchronized in operation, then we need digital circuit which converts one system of codes to the other. The process of conversion is referred to as code conversion.

67.What is code converter?
It is a circuit that makes the two systems compatible even though each uses a different binary code. It is a device that converts binary signals from a source code to its output code. One example is a BCD to Xs3 converter.

68.What do you mean by analyzing a combinational circuit?
The reverse process for implementing a Boolean expression is called as analyzing a combinational circuit. (ie) the available logic diagram is analyzed step by step and finding the Boolean function

69.Give the applications of Demultiplexer.
i)     It finds its application in Data transmission system with error detection.
ii)    One simple application is binary to Decimal decoder.
70.Mention the uses of Demultiplexer.
Demultiplexer is used in computers when a same message has to be sent to different receivers. Not only in computers, but any time information from one source can be fed to several places.

71.Give other name for Multiplexer and Demultiplexer.
Multiplexer is other wise called as Data selector.
Demultiplexer is otherwise called as Data distributor.
72.What is the function of the enable input in a Multiplexer?
The function of the enable input in a MUX is to control the operation of the unit.
73.Give the truth table for a full Subtractor.
Input                                                         Output
X                            Y                      Z             Borrow ( B )      Diffe ( D )
0                             0                       0                       0                       0
0                             0                       1                       1                       1
0                             1                       0                       1                       1
0                             1                       1                       1                       0
1                             0                       0                       0                       1
1                             0                       1                       0                       0
1                             1                       0                       0                       0
1                             1                       1                       1                       1

74.Give the truth table for a full adder.
Input                                                         Output
X                            Y                      Z                Sum ( S )         Carry ( C )
0                             0                       0                       0                       0
0                             0                       1                       1                       0
0                             1                       0                       1                       0
0                             1                       1                       0                       1
1                             0                       0                       1                       0
1                             0                       1                       0                       1
1                             1                       0                       0                       1
1                             1                       1                       1                       1
75.What is priority encoder?
A priority encoder is an encoder that includes the priority function. The operation of the priority encoder is such that if two or more inputs are equal to 1 at the same time, the input having the highest priority will take precedence.
76.Can a decoder function as a Demultiplexer?
Yes. A decoder with enable can function as a Demultiplexer if the enable line E is taken as a data input line A and B are taken as selection lines.

77.List out the applications of multiplexer?
The various applications of multiplexer are
a. Data routing.
b. Logic function generator.
c. Control sequencer.
d. Parallel-to-serial converter.

78.List out the applications of decoder?
The applications of decoder are
a. Decoders are used in counter system.
b. They are used in analog to digital converter.
c. Decoder outputs can be used to drive a display system.

79.List out the applications of comparators?
The following are the applications of comparator
a. Comparators are used as a part of the address decoding circuitry in computers
to select a specific input/output device for     the storage of data.
b. They are used to actuate circuitry to drive the physical variable towards the reference value.
c. They are used in control applications.

80.What is digital comparator?
A comparator is a special combinational circuit designed primarily to compare the relative magnitude of two binary numbers.
81.List the classifications of sequential circuit.
i)     Synchronous sequential circuit.
ii)    Asynchronous sequential circuit.
82.what is Synchronous sequential circuit?
A Synchronous sequential circuit is a system whose behavior can be defined from the knowledge of its signal at discrete instants of time.
83.What is clocked sequential circuits?
Synchronous sequential circuit that use clock pulses in the inputs of memory elements are called clocked sequential circuit. One advantage as that they don’t cause instability problems.

84. What is called latch?
Latch is a simple memory element, which consists of a pair of logic gates with their inputs and outputs inter connected in a feedback arrangement, which permits a single bit to be stored.

85.List different types of flip-flops.
i)    SR flip-flop
ii)   Clocked RS flip-flop
iii)  D flip-flop
iv)  T flip-flop
v)   JK flip-flop
vi)  JK master slave flip-flop
86.What do you mean by triggering of flip-flop.
The state of a flip-flop is switched by a momentary change in the input signal.
This momentary change is called a trigger and the transition it causes is said to trigger the
87.What is an excitation table?
During the design process we usually know the transition from present state to
next state and wish to find the flip-flop input conditions that will cause the required
transition. A table which lists the required inputs for a given chance of state is called an
excitation table.
88.Give the excitation table of a JK flip-flop

Q(t)                Q(t+1)         J             K
0                      0              0             X
0                      1              1             X
1                      0             X             1
1                      1             X             0

89.Give the excitation table of a SR flip-flop

Q(t)        Q(t+1)         S             R
0               0              0             X
0               1              1              0
1               0              0              1
1               1             X             0

90.Give the excitation table of a T flip-flop

Q(t)        Q(t+1)         T
0               0              0
0               1              1
1               0              1
1               1              0

91.Give the excitation table of a D flip-flop

Q(t)        Q(t+1)         T
0               0              0
0               1              1
1               0              0
1               1              1

92.What is a characteristic table?
A characteristic table defines the logical property of the flip-flop and completely characteristic its operation.

93.Give the characteristic equation of a SR flip-flop.
94.Give the characteristic equation of a D flip-flop.

95.Give the characteristic equation of a JK flip-flop.

96.Give the characteristic equation of a T flip-flop.

97.What is the difference between truth table and excitation table.
i)          An excitation table is a table that lists the required inputs for a given
change of state.
ii)         A truth table is a table indicating the output of a logic circuit for various
input states.
98.What is counter?
A counter is used to count pulse and give the output in binary form.

99.What is synchronous counter?
In a synchronous counter, the clock pulse is applied simultaneously to all flipflops. The output of the flip-flops change state at the same instant. The speed of operation is high compared to an asynchronous counter

100.What is Asynchronous counter?
In a Asynchronous counter, the clock pulse is applied to the first flip-flops. The
change of state in the output of this flip-flop serves as a clock pulse to the next flip-flop
and so on. Here all the flip-flops do not change state at the same instant and hence speed
is less.
101.Name the different types of counter.
a)         Synchronous counter
b)         Asynchronous counter
i)       Up counter
ii)      Down counter
iii)     Modulo - N counter
                        iv)  Up/Down counter
102 What is up counter?
A counter that increments the output by one binary number each time a clock pulse is applied.

103.What is down counter?
A counter that decrements the output by one binary number each time a clock pulse is applied.

104.What is up/down counter?
A counter, which is capable of operating as an up counter or down counter, depending on a control lead.

105 What is a ripple counter?
A ripple counter is nothing but an asynchronous counter, in which the output of the flip-flop change state like a ripple in water.
106 .What are the uses of a counter?
i)     The digital clock
ii)    Auto parking control
iii)   Parallel to serial data conversion.
107.What is meant by modulus of a counter?
By the term modulus of a counter we say it is the number of states through which a counter can progress.

108.what is meant by natural count of a counter?
By the term natural count of a counter we say that the maximum number of states through which a counter can progress.
109.A ripple counter is a ------------ sequential counter.
Ans: Synchronous.

110.What is a modulo counter?
A counter that counts from 0 to T is called as modulo counter.
111.What is a ring counter?
A counter formed by circulating a ‘bit’ in a shift register whose serial output has been connected to its serial input.

112.What is BCD counter?
A BCD counter counts in binary coded decimal from 0000 to 1001 and back to 0000. Because of the return to 0000 after a count of 1001, a BCD counter does not have a regular pattern as in a straight binary counter.
113. What are the uses of a ring counter?
i) Control section of a digital system.
ii)                      Controlling events, which occur in strict time sequence.
114.What is a register?
Memory elements capable of storing one binary word. It consists of a group of flip-flops, which store the binary information.

115.What is Johnson counter?
It is a ring counter in which the inverted output is fed into the input. It is also know as a twisted ring counter.
116. What is a shift register?
In digital circuits, datas are needed to be moved into a register (shift in) or moved out of a register (shift out). A group of flip-flops having either or both of these facilities is called a shift register.
117. What is serial shifting?
In a shift register, if the data is moved 1 bit at a time in a serial fashion, then the technique is called serial shifting.
118. What is parallel shifting?
In a shift register all the data are moved simultaneously and then the technique is called parallel shifting.

119. Write the uses of a shift register.
i)                       Temporary data storage
ii)                      Bit manipulations.
120. What is a cycle counter?
A cycle counter is a counter that outputs a stated number of counts and then stops.


121. What are the functional units of the Computer.
122. State Instruction.
123. Define Bus Structures.
124. Give the use of Buffer Registers.
125. Explain how to represent 1’s Complement number.
126. Define Memory Locations
127. How memory of the computer is calculated.
128. Give the basic operations involved in memory.
129. List the basic instruction types.
130. List the various types of instruction.
131. Define Addressing Mode.
132. How EA is calculated.
133. Give the use of Indexing and Array and define.
134. List the addressing Modes available.
135. Give the use of Assembler directives.
136. Explain carry-look ahead addition.
137. Define Booth Algorithm.

138.    Draw the block diagram of the single bus organization inside the processor.
139.    Explain register transfer.
140.    Give the steps involved in fetching a word from memory.
141.    What are the actions to be performed for executing a instruction.
142.    Define Multiple Bus Organization.
143.    Draw the block diagram of Control unit organization.
144.    Explain the separation of the decoding and encoding functions.
145.    Give the block diagram of a complete processor.
146.    Define Hardwired Control unit.
147.    Explain basic organization of a micro programmed control unit.
148.    How micro instructions are executed.
149.    Explain the Microprogram sequencing.
150.    Draw the flowchart for the microprogram for the ADD.
151.    Give the steps involved in micro-instruction sequencing.
152.    Give a short note on prefetching micro instruction.


153 . List the types of ROM.
i)                Programmable ROM (PROM)
ii)               Erasable ROM (EPROM)
iii)              Electrically Erasable ROM (EEROM)

154.What are the different types of RAM?
The different types of RAM are
a. NMOS RAM (Nitride Metal Oxide Semiconductor RAM)
b. CMOS RAM (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor RAM)
c. Schottky TTL RAM

155.What are the types of arrays in RAM?
RAM has two type of array namely,
a. Linear array
b. Coincident array

156.Explain SRAM?
Static  RAM(SRAM)  consists  of  internal  latches  that  store  the  binary information. The stored information remains valid as long as the power is applied to the unit.
SRAM is easier to use and has shorter read and write cycle.
The memory capacity of a static RAM varies from 64 bit to 1 mega bit.

157.Explain DRAM?
The dynamic RAM (DRAM) is an operating mod, which stores the binary information in the form of electric charges on capacitors.
The capacitors are provided inside the chip by MOS transistors.

The stored charges on the capacitors tend to discharge with time and the capacitors must be tending to discharge with time and the capacitors must be periodically recharged by refreshing the dynamic memory.
DRAM offers reduced power consumption and larger storage capacity in a single memory chip.

158.What are the advantages of RAM?
The advantages of RAM are
a. Non-destructive read out
b. Fast operating speed
c. Low power dissipation
d. Compatibility
e. Economy
159 What is meant by memory decoding?
The memory IC used in a digital system is selected or enabled only for the range of addresses assigned to it .

160.What is access and cycle time?
The access time of the memory is the time to select word and read it. The cycle time of a memory is a time required to complete a write operation.

Part – B (All Five Units)
1.            (i).  Express the Boolean function  F =A+B’C in sum of minterms 
 (ii)  Express  the  Boolean function  F=xy+x’z in production of maxterms.
2.            Simplify the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D)= ∑(0,6,8,13,14) Together with the don’t care condition d=∑(2,4,10)and then express the simplified function in sum of minterms.
3.            Implement the Boolean function F(X,Y,Z)=(1,2,3,4,5,7)with NAND  gates

4.            Simplify the Boolean function F(A,B,C,D) ∑(0,2,3,5,7,8,9,10,11,13,15)and find the prime implicants  and essential  prime implicants

5.            Design a full adder with inputs x,y,z and two outputs S and C .

6.            Design a BCD adder.
7.            Design a logic circuit that accepts a 4-bit Grey code and converts it into 4-bit binary code
8.            Write short notes on: BCD adder, Binary multiplier and Magnitude Comparator
9.            Draw the circuit for 3-to-8-decoder and implement the functions
F2(A,B,C)=II(2,3,7) using 3-to-8-decoder
10.        Draw the circuits for Decimal to BCD encoder, Octal-to- Binary encoder & Priority
11.        Implement full subtractor using demultiplexer.
12.        Draw the state diagram and characteristic equations of T,D and JK flip flop
13.        Discuss in detail shift registers
14.        Discuss about synchronous counters
15.        Write the procedure for analyzing a clocked sequential circuit with JK flip flop.
16.        Give a note on the Control Unit.
17.        Explain the working principle of MicroProgrammed Control.
18.        Perform the arithmetic operations over the Signed Numbers with details.
19.        Write a short note fast adder and fast multiplication and Integer division.
20.        Give a brief explanation on Memory organization.
21.        Discuss in detail the architecture of Interrupt handling and controller.
22.        List the advantages of DMA and explain the DMA in detail.
23.        Explain RAM and ROM and compare.
24.        Give a short note on the Addressing Modes and Assembly language and its impact in the design of Computer.
25.        Number format conversion (Problems).
26.        Illustrate with block diagram the concept of Accessing I/O devices.
27.        State and explain the basic operational concepts of processing unit.
28.        Give a brief note on Virtual memory and compare it with cache memory.
29.        Write Short note on Registers and Counters.
30.        Give the full adder and multiplexer and give its relationship.