Friday, December 16, 2011

Data Structure Question Bank

1.      Define ADT.
2.      What is a data structure? What are the types of data structures?
3.      Define a linear and non linear data structure.
4.      Define in brief an array. What are the types of array operations?
5.      What is a recursive algorithm?
6.      What is the difference between a stack and a Queue?
7.      Can a stack be described as a pointer? Explain
8.      Is it possible to insert different type of elements in a stack? How?
9.      How would you sort a linked list?
10.  Explain the types of linked lists.
11.  Explain in brief a linked list.
12.  Implement an algorithm to reverse a doubly linked list.
13.  Implement an algorithm to insert in a sorted list.
14.  Implement an algorithm to reverse a doubly linked list.
15.  Implement an algorithm to insert in a sorted list.
16.  What is an Algorithm?
17.  List out and define the performance measures of an algorithm.
18.  What is Complexity analysis?
19.  Explain Space complexity?
20.  Explain Time complexity?
21.  List out the components that are used for space complexity?
22.  What do asymptotic notation means?
23.  Define linear data structure?
24.  Define Non Linear data structure?
25.  Convert the expression ((A + B) * C – (D – E) ^ (F + G)) to equivalent Prefix and Postfix notations.
26.  What are different types of Linked List?
27.  What are different types of Circular Linked List?
28.  List certain applications of lists
29.  List the basic operations carried out in a linked list?
30.  Define a stack?
31.  Define a queue?
32.  Difference between Arrays and Linked List?
33.  What is single linked list?
34.  Define HEAD pointer and NULL pointer?
35.  Define double linked list?
36.  Write operations that can be done on stack?
37.  Mention applications of stack?
38.  Define Infix, prefix and postfix notations?
39.  What are the conditions that followed in the array implementation of queue?
40.  What are the conditions that could be followed in a linked list implementations of queue?
41.  List out few of the Application of tree data-structure?
42.  Draw a binary Tree for the expression :
A * B - (C + D) * (P / Q)
Write a program in ‘C' language which accepts inorder and preorder traversal outputs of  a  Binary Tree as input and prints the corresponding Binary tree.
43.  Define tree?
44.  Write a function and the node data structure to visit all of the nodes in a binary tree.
45.  Write a function to find the depth of a binary tree.
46.  Define Depth of   tree?
47.  Define Degree of a node?
48.  define Degree of a tree?
49.  Define Terminal node or leaf?
50.  Define Non-terminal node?
51.  Define sibling?
52.  Define binary tree?
53.  Define expression tree?
54.  Construction of expression trees?
55.  Define tree traversal and mention the type of traversals?
56.  What is insertion sort? How many passes are required for the elements to be sorted ?
57.  What is the need of  external sorting? Differentiate between merge sort and quick sort ?
58.  What is  replacement selection ?
59.  What is sorting?
62.  The element being searched for is not found in an array of 100 elements. What is the average number of comparisons needed in a sequential
63.  Which sort show the best average behavior?
64.  What is the average number of comparisons in a sequential search?
65.  Write Binary Search program
66.  Write programs for Bubble Sort, Quick sort

67.  What is a graph?
68.  What are Directed graphs?
70.  Define Path.
71.  Define Cycle.
72.  Define Connected graph.
73.  What are the conditions for a graph to become a tree?
74.  . Define a Weighted Graph.
75.  Give the types of representation of graphs
76.  What is a minimum spanning tree
77.  Explain about Adjacency Matrix
78.  What are the methods to solve minimum spanning tree?
79.  Explain briefly about Prim’s algorithm
80.  Define a depth first spanning tree.
81.  What is a tree edge?

82.  What is the reference count method?
83.  What is Garbage Collection?
84.  What are the algorithms associated with Garbage Collection
85.  What is Collection and Compaction ?
86.  What are the variations in Garbage Collection?

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